North Haven Baptist Church is a group of followers of Jesus Christ who seek to encourage others in the joy of knowing God and serving Him.
Ministry Team…
The whole church family!
We Believe …
We believe the Bible is the word of God and guides us in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe that sin separates all people from the life and peace of God.
We believe that God seeks after us and has demonstrated the riches of His mercy and depth of His love to us in His Son Jesus.
We believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose to life so that we may share in his victory over sin and death through faith in Him.
We believe to be reconciled to God a person must humble themselves before God and repent (or turn) from sin, believe (or trust) that Jesus died in our place, and yield our lives to God so that His Holy Spirit can work in us to be made whole and holy and as followers of Christ be people who love, obey and serve God.
While being a Baptist Church by name you will discover that we have many regular worshippers here that in the past have identified themselves with various other Christian Churches, who now call this Church their home Church. We warmly welcome all fellow believers who love Jesus and those who are searching for God and seeking encouragement and hope in practical and spiritual matters.
We Practise…
The sharing together in Communion on the first Sunday of the month.
Believers Baptism. We encourage new believers, as the Bible teaches, to be baptised (immersed in water) as part of their response to Jesus as they seek to follow Him.
There are a number of ministries which are run by the Church or are associated with the Church. They exist to meet a need, encourage fellowship or growth in the Lord and to provide avenues of outreach. See the Join Us tab or phone the Church office for more information about any of the following ministries.
- Connect Home groups
- Church Library
- Ladies Know Your Bible (KYB) groups
- Scripture Teaching in Primary & High Schools
- Inspiring Women
- Men Being Men / Pool Club
- Pastoral Care and visitation
- Mission Group
- Prayer Chain
- SALT Ministry – prayer support for Salt and Light involvement in Community and Workplace
Our Leadership…
The leadership of the Church comes from the local Church level. The Church annually nominates and elects a Management Committee to handle the routine business and ministry of the Church.
Each member has the opportunity to share in the decision making process when the Church meets quarterly for Church meetings to discuss and seek God’s guidance on matters of business and practice. Even those who are not members are welcomed and invited to take part in these meetings although may be restricted in voting on some matters as the Constitution requires.
The Baptist Association of NSW/ACT provides the Church with advice, are trustees of our property, provide us with wider opportunity for service and our affiliation with them identifies our doctrinal distinctive.
Your Offerings…
Your tithes and offerings are an important part of your support for the ministry of the local Church and also touch people and ministries worldwide. While the tithes and offerings support the Pastors’ salaries and the costs associated with running and maintaining buildings, around 34% of the Church’s income is given to mission.
Each week your offerings touch missionary families, children in third world countries through the CCSD (Child and Community support and developement) program, ministries in Schools, ministries locally and around Austalia.
Our History…
In 1977 Port Macquarie Baptist Church felt led to commence a work in the Camden Haven as numbers of people were travelling from the Camden Haven to Port Macquarie to attend Church there. In 1978 the decision was made to purchase the land on which the Church now meets. By 1980 two old holiday cottages had been transported to the site, one had the internal walls removed and became the place of worship, while the other became the manse.
The first service on the site was held on Sunday 9th of December 1979 with 26 people in attendance. By 1985 North Haven Baptist Fellowship was formed as Port Baptist gave it independence. The first full time Pastor for the Church was called in 1986. On August 8, 1987 the fellowship was officially recognised as a Church and welcomed into full membership of the Baptist Union of Churches.
The new building in which we now worship was built by volunteer effort and officially opened “In testimony to God’s faithfulness”, as the plaque states, on the 12th of October 1997 and has provided us with many more opportunities and challenges for the growth of the ministry here in the Camden Haven.
At the end 2006 we believed it was time to employ an Associate Pastor to continue to develop our ministry to youth (position vacant).
We have a wonderful God whose love and grace is not just for us, but for those around us. We have a mission to share God’s love with our community and our world. We would love you to share your gifts and calling with us as we seek to witness of the transforming love of Jesus Christ.
* For a full statement of belief and further information on the Church a copy of our Constitution is available at the Church on request. If you need more information about specific ministries, Church practices, baptism, membership or, most importantly, faith in Christ, please don’t hesitate to contact the Pastor.